A Link Joining People From the Former Yugoslavia and Japan

Representative's Message

Kosovo, 2003

You don't need to do anything so much. But just remember Kosovo. Please tell about Kosovo to Japanese people after you go back to Japan.

This is a message from a local person in Kosovo who I met there. This message gradually became touching to me after wondering if I could do something he expects from a Japanese student like me who doesn't have any professional skills at all.

'Human and cultural exchanges foster friendships. Friendships sustain warm-heartedness. Peaceful mind is the basis for building the peaceful world.'

This is what we have learnt from our experiences in the former Yugoslavia so far.

Our organisation aims to promote more human and cultural exchanges and communications between the former Yugoslavia and Japan in order to realise what is expected from us.

Taeko Kosaka

Basic Information

Organisation Name:
   A Link Joining People From the Former Yugoslavia and Japan

Date of Foundation:
  April, 2005.

Purpose of Our Activities:
  Our organisation is a fully non-profitable, non-ideological, non-religious and voluntary entity.
Our activities aim to promote mutual understanding between people in the former Yugoslavia and Japanese people. After the bloody conflict, people in the former Yugoslavia are now getting forgotton in the international community. Under the circumstances, Japanese students who experienced volunteer programmes in republics of the former Yugoslavia have lunched this organisation in order to encourage people in the Balkans and to promote cultural and human exchanges.

What We Do:
  We organise a variety of events in Japan, such as annual symposiums on the former Yugoslavia, lectures in universities, informal parties and cooperative projects with other Japanese humanitarian organisations. These events are open to everyone who is interested in the former Yugoslavia.

Staff Members:
Since our organisation is a fully non-profitable and voluntary entity, the staff members who organise and support its activities are purely volunteers. Students, working people and those who are interested in our organisation and the former Yugoslavia support our activities. We are always accepting new members who wish to support our organisation directly and indirectly.

  Taeko Kosaka (3rd-year student at Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan)
      - Experienced volunteer works in Kosovo in 2003.

Contact Information:
 For further information and inquiry, please send us email at the following address. English and Japanese are acceptable.


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